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Getting started in entrepreneurship

Develop an entrepreneurial activity with the resources and support of Centrale Lyon ENISE.

Entrepreneurship at the heart of Centrale Lyon ENISE

Innovation often brings together entrepreneurs and creators, and is facilitated by a common objective: the creation of value in response to needs. To transform ideas into new marketable products or processes, Centrale Lyon's dynamic approach is based on a triptych of training, research and start-up hosting. Young innovative companies are thus creating a veritable entrepreneurial ecosystem.


For our students, A course dedicated to entrepreneurship

The engineer-entrepreneur training course, offered to 5th year students, attracts around ten students each year (10% of the graduating class). These students commit to the BEELYS support process, enabling on average the creation of one company per year over the last three years.

The 6 Centrale Lyon research laboratories, seasoned in partnership relations with the socio-economic environment, are also present alongside these young entrepreneurs to support them in technological maturation and lead them towards a marketable product or process.


For your company, the opportunity to develop an intrapreneurial activity in Centrale Lyon ENISE's areas of expertise

Centrale Lyon ENISE can offer you all the conditions and environment conducive to the development of a new activity within your company, in areas relevant to its specialties.


Three locations

For the implementation of this ecosystem, Centrale Lyon ENISE has three locations to welcome these entrepreneurs:

  • The Village by CA on the Manufacture site in Saint Etienne (rue Marius Patinaud, Saint Etienne)
  • The 2nd CENTRALE Lyon ENISE site in Saint Etienne for access to experimental resources (74 rue des aciéries, Saint Etienne)
  • The Centre d'Entrepreneuriat Lyon Saint-Étienne (CELSE)