Research activities at Centrale Lyon ENISE are carried out in synergy with the Laboratoire de Tribologie et Dynamique des Systèmes (LTDS), a joint research unit with CNRS (UMR 5513), Centrale Lyon and the École Nationale des Travaux Publics de l'État.
researchers and collaborators
research topics
Equipment of Excellence

Laboratoire de Tribologie et Dynamique des Systèmes

  • Direction

Jean-Luc LOUBET, director

The LTDS covers a broad spectrum and focuses on engineering at all scales thanks to its four research teams and over 300 researchers and collaborators. LTDS adopts a scientific approach to respond to social and environmental challenges, namely transport, energy and health.

5 lines of research

  • Tribology, nano-mechanics, physical chemistry
  • Nonlinear dynamics, vibroacoustics, metamaterials
  • Simulations and modeling of manufacturing processes
  • Granular materials and geomaterials
  • Biomechanics of living tissues, perception
Visit the LTDS website to find out more about its research teams